Mobile company Nokia has launched a great phone swan in India. Nokia's price of this great smartphone is about Rs 15,999. The specification of this phone is also great. The phone has been launched in India with 3 colors in black, gold and silver. The special feature of this phone is its 42mph camera and 4,000mah battery which make it superb.
• In Nokia Swan, you have 6 inch full HD (2500 x 1440) pixel display 882 PPI. Its display is protected from Corning Gorilla Glass 5.
• There is a tremendous non-removable battery of 4,500 mah for the power of Nokia Swan.
• Nokia Swan has an Actor Core Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 processor.
• Talking about cameras, it has a 42 MP rear camera and a front camera of 20 MPs.
• In this, you have 6 GB of RAM and 128 GB internal memory, which you can increase up to 256 GB.
• It is a dual sim phone that will run on Android operating system v7.0Nougat.
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